Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Will I get something in the mail?

A: No, we used to send out mail via the USPS, but since switching to online registration we rely on email only.

Q: Will I get a ticket for the Seminar?

A: No, if you are preregistered simply visit our registration table after 6:00 PM on Thursday to get your packet at the Seminar.

Q: Can I register at the event?

A: Yes, but when you pre-register you get through much faster as your packet is ready for you upon arrival.

Q: What should I wear?

A: The room may be cooler or warmer than you prefer so you may want to make adjustments so that you are comfortable. This might look like dressing cooler and bringing a light jacket or a sweater if you get cold.

Q: What do I need to bring to the Seminar?

A: You will want to have a Big Book and 12 & 12 at the very least. You might want to highlight your book or take notes as well so pen, highlighter paper, etc. Did we mention a sweater or jacket in case you are chilly?

Q: What about lunch and dinner?

A: We have long lunch and dinner breaks, 1.5 and 2 hours, and there is great variety in the types of restaurants in the area.

Q: Are there refreshments?

A: Water will be available throughout the event. Coffee is available much of the time for a small fee.

Q: Why do I have to pay for the coffee?

A: The coffee expense is the single largest expense the Seminar incurs. We ask that our members pay for their coffee so that we can keep the registration fee as low as possible.

Q: Why do I have to pay an extra $0.50 to register online?

A: Eventbrite charges a $0.50 per registration as a fee. The Seminar is picking up nearly $1.00 per registration for the credit card fees. We are asking you to pay the smaller of the two extra fees associated with registering online.

Q: Will the study sheets be provided at the seminar or should we download them from a website before we attend?

A:  The study sheets will be provided at the Seminar to all registered attendees. They are also available on our website.

Q: Is there a program or schedule so I can plan my weekend?

A: Seminar Schedule

Big Book Seminar 2025

  • Thursday, May 8, 2025
  • Friday, May 9, 2025
  • Saturday, May 10, 2025
  • Sunday, May 11, 2025